
Team Sockeye



She's a bit rough around the edges, with something to prove apparently. She tends to jump into things without thinking - and it sometimes causes more problems than before - but she's got a good heart, and is willing to fight for what she thinks is right! While she is a bit bullheaded and easy to incite, she is much softer under the surface than she might initially seem.



A literal ray of sunshine - Percy is always excited to make a new friend and could turf till he dropped. He's a huge League fan, and keeps tabs on all his favorite teams. He seems to always have something going on, but goes out of his way to spend time with those he cares about...though can he keep that energy up forever?



A friendly guy, though often pokes his nose where it doesn't belong. While he can be pushy and a bit antagonistic even to his friends, he's always got good intentions at heart. He's the type to always "know a guy", and often IS the guy with experience in all fields, jack of all trades (master of none).



The defacto captain of Team Sockeye - people sometimes think she’s a cold, contemplative leader, but while she seems very serious from the outside, she often just doesn’t know what to say. She tends to let her actions speak for her instead. It's easy to hide how silly you are when your friends are such goofballs.



The youngest member of Cinnamon Spritz, a high ranking heel team. Her walls are high, guarded with a sarcastic and sometimes cruel personality, so she's understandably confused when Percy wants to be friends. She tries not to push him away, though that doesn't spare him from a bit of teasing. She hopes that she won't scare him away one day, though believes eventually her antagonistic reputation will catch up with her. She'll enjoy it while it lasts.



Charismatic and handsome, you almost forget he leads a team that bullys kids. Hotshot (he'd rather you call him Frank...) is team captain of Cinnamon spritz, a high ranking team that has a sometimes overwhelming stage presence. He's eager to play with others and offer his advice, with genuine support. It's a strange dichotomy between his 'on and off-stage' personalities.



Sawyer is an imposing guy, but beneath the glare, he's the most annoying older brother type you'll ever meet. He's deaf and knows sign language well, often deferring to one of his teammates for translation. Sawyer has some memory issues, but looks at his recent move to the surface as a fresh start, trying to ignore the gnawing feeling he needs to be doing something more important.



Hotshot's best friend and co-captain, Figaro "Figgy" gives a calm balance to Hotshot's enthusiasm. She generally takes a back seat, focusing on support and management both on the field and off, but don't think that means she's got any less skill or fervor than him. She and Sawyer bounce off eachother easily, making a heckling older sib duo (often to tease Meyer).



Elle is a high ranking player, with a bit of her own fanbase, and takes that status to heart. She's a natural in the limelight, though tends to take it too seriously. She is an advocate for fair play and fun for everyone involved, but doesn't realize the irony of her efforts. Mistaking ridicule for a 'learning opportunity', Elle clashes hard with Arwen, first impressions going poorly on both sides.



A Tournament Organizer and lobby overseer, Anne takes care of organizing local events and daily turf operation. IDK she's just a hot secretary what can i say

Goro Majima

Goro Majima

After losing his eye and the trust of his sworn brother in a botched assassination, Majima clawed his way out of debt and through the ranks of the Yakuza to become Captain of the Shimano Family, where his ferocity and unpredictability in battle earned him the title "The Mad Dog of Shimano". He's now the patriarch of the Majima Family, a direct subsidiary of the Tojo Clan.